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STEM Team Informational Session 8/29 @5:30


August 29
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Our 3-time winning STEM team is looking for new members. We will be holding our first informational meeting about the STEM team Thursday, August 29, at 5:30pm in the Smart Lab. This is an interest meeting only and we will be discussing details of the team and what will be involved and what the expectations will be. Please be aware we can only have 10 members on the team per state rules but everyone that is interested will be given full consideration. Mr. Kamphuis and I will determine who will be officially on the team once we finalize numbers and collect interest forms from you at the meeting (I will hand out this form at the meeting). If you cannot attend this meeting but still wish to be considered, please respond to this email and I will reach out to you directly with information.

For some background the STEM team participates in the New Mexico Governors STEM Challenge each year and winning teams take home $500 per student. Our team has won this challenge 3 times and we are looking to win again this year. Below is a link that discusses the challenge and introduces this year’s challenge question. https://newmexicostem.org/students/

We look forward to sharing this amazing opportunity with you!