Resources for Parents
Click any of the links below to view and download our policies and procedures.
- Northpoint Bullying Prevention Policy
- Northpoint Employee Handbook
- Northpoint McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Act
- Northpoint Public Records Request
- Northpoint Student Behavior Handbook
- Northpoint Title IX Policy
- Northpoint Title IX Grievance Procedures
- Northpoint Title IX Complaint Form
- USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression Portal
To report an incident of racial discrimination against anyone in New Mexico Schools, visit the ARAO Portal.
U.S. Department of Education Notice
The U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducts audits, investigations, and inspections of educational programs and operations, and has criminal investigators nationwide who conduct investigations of fraudulent schemes targeting the Department’s funds and/or programs. OIG is responsible for protecting the integrity of Federal education programs administered by the Department, ensuring vital funds are used for allowable and intended purposes and in accordance with all applicable requirements. Title IX, Section 9203 of Every Student Succeeds Act requires the Department’s OIG hotline contact information be publicly posted so that any individual who observes, detects, or suspects improper use of taxpayer funds can easily report such improper use.
Click here to access the OIG’s webpage
Click here to report abuse
Equity Council
Each school district in New Mexico is required to establish an Equity Council. Membership on this council should have representatives from school leadership, school staff, students, parents or family members, community members, and members of Nations, Tribes, or Pueblos.
Click here to apply to serve on our Equity Council!
Gifted and Special Education Resources
- Parent and Child Rights in Special Education in English
- Derechos de los Padres y de/la Nino(a) en la Educacion Especial en Espanol
- New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council
- Office of the Special Education Ombud
- Words and Terms Every Parent Should Know
For additional information about our Gifted and Special Education program and the resources available to your student, please reach out to our Special Education Director, Jillian O’Brien.
The Charter School Report Card
NM Vistas, developed by the Public Education Department, is a public data reporting website for school performance on state accountability and other required measures. Our 2024-2025 school report can be found here. The school's charter contract and annual performance reports are available on the PED website here.
If you have a question that hasn’t been addressed here or are looking for additional information, reach out to (505) 296-7677 or contact us online, and we’ll connect you with a staff member who can help.
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